Cast Members

Meet The Pig Club Cast

King T-bone

Lead Actor

King T-Bone (also known as KTB) is the wise and funny leader of The Pig Club™.

Lenlard dressed in workout clothes


Lead Actor

Lenlard, dressed in workout clothes and headband, is always working out, and encouraging Pig Club members to “LOSE LARD”.

Sargeant Pork

Lead Actor

Sgt. Pork is the leader of the pig army and defender of The Pig Club.


Lead Actor

Karham is always a ham – in a good way. She loves attention and tries to hog the stage whenever she appears.


Lead Actor

Rachsow is the smartest pig you have ever seen! She studies constantly, except to play sports like sock him, where she coaches young piglets.


Lead Actor

Rebacon is The Pig Club cheerleader. She is always bacon to sleep over her friends’ sties, stay up late, go to Up Chuck Cheese, skating and asking for help on her homework.