Pig Quiz

    1. How many toes does a pig have on each foot?

    2. Pigs eat –

    3. When a Sow gives birth, she usually has –

    4. Nearly half of the pigs on planet Earth live in –

    [rado radio-828 use_label_element default:1 "North America" "South America" "China" "Rush Limbhog’s house"]

    5. Pigs and cats both –

    6. Pigs don’t like being picked up because –

    7. When it comes to athletics, pigs are –

    8. When does someone sweat like a pig –

    9. Pigs are less intelligent than –

    10. Pigs and dogs both –

    1. 4 toes
    2. Meat and Vegetables
    3. 10 – 15
    4. China
    5. Litter box
    6. Predators lifting
    7. Fast runners and swimmers
    8. Never
    9.  Humans
    10. Fetch and take walks